New Legacy UO Newsletter #12

NLS Newsletter #12




1月が終わり、2022年に突入しました。 今年はウルティマ オンラインにとって信じられないような節目の年です!今年の9月でBritannian Legacyを構築して25年目に突入します。 ウルティマ オンラインは多くの人々の生活の一部となり、多くの人々が何世代にも渡る遺産を築き、その遺産は日々追加されています。 UOチーム一同、このコミュニティの素晴らしい一員である皆様に感謝いたします。

この度、新しいメンバーが加わりました。 コンテンツ・デザイナーとして働くParallaxを紹介します。 彼の物語とイマジネーションを共有できることを、私たちと同じように皆さんも楽しみにしていてください。 彼の経歴は以下の通りです。

Publish 112は世界中でリリースされており、新しいベテラン報酬、2月14日からの特別なギフト、およびいくつかのバグ修正が含まれています。テストに参加し、フィードバックを提供し、バグハンティングを行ってくれたすべての人に感謝します。また、優秀な城のデザイナーの方々にも、心からお祝いを申し上げます。このような激しい競争で投票は厳しくなりましたが、最終的勝利したのはこの3つです。Is’MadinのHeorot、Christmas MagicのTownship、JamieのCastle ofResistance。こちらをご覧ください!

Publish 112の完成に伴い、2022年のUltima Onlineに向け て何を準備しているかについてお話ししたいと思います。今年は、 UO:NewLegacyのリリースでこれまでで最も幅広い層のお客様にウルティマ オンラインをお届けすることを第一に考えています。 UO:NLは、まだウルティマ オンラインの魅力を体験していない方々に、RPGとMMOとしてのUOのエッセンスを取り入れたシャードで新しいスタートを切る機会を提供し、自分自身の遺産を書き、この素晴らしいコミュニティの一員となる機会を提供します。 チームはこの目標を達成するために必要な基本的なシステムとツールの最終調整に懸命に取り組んでおり、今後数週間のうちにライブストリームを通じて進捗をお伝えできることを楽しみにしています。

さて、制作の話に戻りますが、季節ごとのダイナミックなイベントが開催されます。チャンプスポーン、トレジャーイベント、クエストはすべて準備中です。対話が書かれ、報酬が磨かれ、モンスターが訓練され、NPCが服を着せられています。 ダイアログを作成し、報酬に磨きをかけ、モンスターを訓練し、NPCに着せ替えをしています。 最初のイベントは3月にリリースされる予定です。詳細については、UO.comと今後のニュースレターをご覧ください。

イベントといえば、多くの方から20周年の時のような25周年記念のミートアップを行う予定があるかという質問がありました。 しかし、COVID-19を取り巻く状況が不透明なため、現時点ではイベントの開催を確約することはできません。 幸いなことに、私たち全員が出会い、遊ぶことができる共有の仮想世界があります。チームが計画していることにご期待ください。

48- マクロ化39-マルチボクシング


Bonnie “Mesanna” Armstrong


Dev’s Meet & Greet

2022年2月15日(火)9:00(日本時間) – Blackthorn城 – TC1


2月14日 特別なプレゼントがあります バレンタインデーの報酬があります。詳細はリリース当日にUO.comをご覧ください!

3月-Spring Fever- 確かに可愛いけど、噛まれないように気をつけてね

4月-Wrath of the Frey-闇の中で何が蠢いているのか、私たちは知らなかった…。





私がUOを始めたのは2007年のことで、友人の勧めがきっかけでした。自分のキャラクターを作ってから、友人に「次は何をするの?」と聞いたのを今でも覚えています。と聞いたところ、「何でもいいよ」と言われたことが、ウルティマ オンラインの世界がいかに没入感があり、カスタマイズしやすいかを実感した瞬間で、今でも心に残っています。

皆さんと同じように、私も何年も前から何度もプレイし、新しいゲームにも挑戦しましたが、いつも「ウルティマ オンライン」の素晴らしい世界に戻ってくることができました。UOがプレイヤーに提供するものすべてが好きですが、ロールプレイやセオリー通りのクラフト、そして何年も前からリリースされている新しいイベントに参加することに魅力を感じることがよくあります。

長年のプレイヤーとして、ゲームの成長と変化を見守るのは私の喜びであり、私の経験と視点を開発チームに提供できることに興奮しています。ウルティマ オンラインがこれからもずっと素晴らしい世界であり続けるために、皆さんと一緒に働けることを楽しみにしています。

Meet & Greetsから











Happening on Live

Producer Notes

Greetings Everyone,

With January have come and gone we are well into 2022!  This year marks an incredible milestone for Ultima Online, as this September will be 25 years of building a Britannian Legacy!  Ultima Online has been a part of so many lives, with many forging a multi-generational legacy, a legacy added to each and every day.  From the entire UO Team we thank you all for being an amazing part of this community!

We are very happy to announce that we have added a new member to our team!  We would like to introduce Parallax, who will be working as a content designer.  We hope you are all as excited as we are to share in his stories and imagination.  Be sure to check out his bio below!

Publish 112 has been released world wide and includes new veteran rewards, a special gift for you coming February 14th, and several bug fixes.  Thanks to everyone who participated in the testing, providing feedback, and bug hunting..  We also want to wish a huge congratulations to our excellent castle designers!  With such fierce competition the voting was tight but in the end 3 stood victorious, The Heorot by Is’Madin, The Township by Christmas Magic, and The Castle of Resistance by Jamie.  Check them out here!

With the completion of Publish 112 I want to talk about what we have in store for Ultima Online for 2022.  Our primary focus this year is to deliver Ultima Online to the broadest audience ever with the release of UO: New Legacy.  UO:NL will give those who have yet to experience the magic of Ultima Online a chance at a fresh start on a shard designed to capture the essence of UO as both an RPG and MMO, giving them their own opportunity to write their own legacy and be part of this amazing community!  The team has been hard at work finalizing the underlying systems and tools needed to deliver on this goal and we are excited to share our progress in the coming weeks through our live streams!

Turning back to production and our loyal and devoted player base – we have some excited seasonal dynamic events coming your way!  Champ spawns, Treasures events, and quests are all in the pipeline.  Dialogue is being written, rewards are being polished, monsters are being trained, and NPCs are being dressed.  Our first event is slated for release this March so keep an eye on and future newsletters for more details!

Speaking of events, many have asked whether we plan to do a 25th Anniversary meetup similar to what we did for the 20th.  While we would love nothing more than to celebrate, given the uncertainty surrounding COVID-19, we cannot commit to an event at this time.  Fortunately we have a shared virtual world where we can all meet and play – so stay tuned for what the team has planned.
Finally, here are the CS actions for the month of January:

2 – Disruptive Behavior
6 – Abuse of game mechanics 
6 – Solicitation 
48 –  Macroing 
39 – Multiboxing

See you in Britannia,

Bonnie “Mesanna” Armstrong

Upcoming Events

Dev Meet and Greet

Monday, February 14th at 7pm ET – Castle Blackthorn – TC1

Live Events

February 14th – A special gift for you!  Valentine’s Day rewards available, see for details on the day of release!

March – Spring Fever – they sure are cute but watch out for the bite!

April – Wrath of the Frey – little did we know what was stirring in the darkness…

Vet Rewards

Meet Parallax

Hi Everyone, my name is Parallax and I’m the newest member of the Ultima Online Dev team. I was recently brought on as a Content Designer and I am extremely excited to be working with the UO team.

I first got started in UO back in 2007 by a friend’s recommendation. I still remember creating my character and then asking my friend, “What now?”. Their response of “anything you want” will always be etched in my mind as the moment I started to realize just how immersive and customizable the world of Ultima Online is.

Like a lot of you, I have played off and on throughout the years, trying new games, but always finding myself coming back to the amazing world that is Ultima Online. I love all of what UO has to offer a player, but I often find myself gravitating towards roleplaying, theory crafting, and participating in all the new events that have been released over the years.

As a longtime player it’s been my pleasure to watch the game grow and change and I am excited to bring my experience and perspective to the development team. I look forward to working with everyone to help keep Ultima Online the amazing world it is for years to come!

From the Meet & Greets

Can you address griefing at IDOCs using player gates at the barrels? 

We are aware of this issue and are working to release a solution.

Can we get some additional pet costumes for other types of creatures?

We have no immediate plans for new pet costumes while resources are focused on delivering Ultima Online: New Legacy but we are always happen to hear your suggestions for future costumes!

Why are battle chickens being auto-stabled when removed from chicken coops?

Any battle chicken removed from a coup that has elevated stats as the result of an exploit will be auto-stabled to resolve their stats.

Will there be a keep design contest?

Yes – we will be announcing a keep design contest later this year.

Customer Service


For the billing support at to sufficiently verify ownership of an account you wish to recover, information that is currently set on the account has to be verified. Please note that account recovery requests are reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

If a secret word is saved on the desired account(s), we will be happy to provide the secret word hint(s).

Accounts that have been closed within the last year require the secret word and 2 pieces of information.

Accounts that have been closed for more than a year require only the secret word, if a secret word is not set then 3 pieces of information are required.

Information used for verification are as follows:

  • Account name
  • Email
  • First and last name
  • Date of birth
  • Phone number
  • Key codes
  • Payment information (CC)
  • Date account was open/closed
  • State/country

To recover an account, please email so that the Billing Support has a ticket in the system. Keep an eye out for the automated reply requesting account verification for the Billing Support Team to assist further.
•  How to create an account or log into my account?
•  How to manage my accounts after I’ve logged into the Account Center?
To reset your password you must first understand which type of account you are resetting the password for.
EA Accounts, Mythic Master Accounts, and Mythic Product / Game Accounts all have separate individual passwords. All of which you can reset at our Account Center at

•  To reset your EA Account password:
       * Please visit
       * At the EA page enter the email used to log into your EA Account to change its password.
       * If you have not received your password or have received an error while trying to reset the password and you have disabled all spam filters, please contact EA Support here.
If you have an account that was terminated by CS over a year ago and would like to have it back, please contact the Dispute Team from the email associated with the account at for further investigation and a possible one-time reprieve.
For in-game issues or question, please submit an in-game help request for a Game Master to contact you.
To submit your suggestions and feedback regarding game content, mechanics, or design, please send them to

Sovereigns Coin Codes purchased from EA Origin have to be redeemed on the Account Center; you cannot enter these in game.
Sovereign Coin Codes that have been redeemed are bound to the EA Account they were redeemed on and are only usable by the accounts linked with that EA Account; Sovereign Coin currency may not be transferred.

If you are having issues with your EA Origin purchase, follow this link to resolve the issue.

You may have noticed that Origin Store purchases made did not arrived as expected. The Origin Store enacts reviews on all transactions to safeguard against fraudulent purchases, and these reviews may take up to 72 hours. Unfortunately our Billing department is not able to expedite or circumvent this process. However, players who have questions or concerns regarding a store purchase can contact Origin Support for assistance using the below steps:
1)  Go here
2)  Select topic* – select Orders
3)  Select issue*
4)  Click on “Select contact option
5)  Sign in with your EA Account or click on “Get help from an advisor without logging in.” if you’re having trouble signing in.

We would also like to reiterate that the Origin store is the only guaranteed provider of codes for Ultima Online. The validity of a code purchased from a third-party seller (be it a friend, in-game acquaintance, or recommended site) cannot be guaranteed. Furthermore, any codes we find to have be fraudulently obtained will be disabled and an account that applies any of these codes will have that code removed from said account. This can result in the loss of game time, character slots, expansion access, Sovereigns (and the items purchased with them), in-game items and more. Please be advised that we cannot assist with any issues stemming from codes purchased via non-Origin means; you will be required to contact the vendor from which you purchased the code for further assistance.

