Ultima Online:New Legacy Dev Hangout(Web会議)を行います!
私たちチームはPublish 110の最終仕上げを行っており、3月中旬のワールドワイドリリースを目指しています。来週の初めにはTC1でこのPublishを公開する予定ですので、ぜひTC1で以下のようなエキサイティングな新機能をチェックしてみてください。
- ベテラン報酬
- モンスタースタチュー- The Black Gate, The Yew Tree, Snow Elemental, Mummy
- Spellbook & Runebook Straps-乱雑なバックパックがキレイに!
- Gargish Totem of Essence-練成エッセンスを生み出します!
- 新しい称号e-Pioneer of the Second Age
- ウルティマストアアイテム
- Pet Castle-ヒッチングポストのように機能するペットのおうち!
- シルバー&ゴールドソウルストーン-インテリアにこだわる人のための新しいソウルストーンカラー!
- 変容ポーション-頭と盾のスロットでお気に入りのファッションを手に入れましょう!
- Enchanted Soulstone Vessel-ソウルストーン専用の収納コンテナで、ロックダウン数を解放(セキュア数をくわない)!
- ブラックマーケット(闇市)リワード
- フェローシップメダリオン
- 奇妙なココナッツ
- 蘭
- 海賊チェスト
- 海賊の盾
これは、Publish 110で提供される内容のほんの一部です。来週、TC1に到着するときは、UO.comで完全な公開ノートを確認してください。
Publish 110には、いくつかの重大なバグ修正も含まれています。 Sonomaのプレイヤーの1人は親切に、報告されている現在のペットの悪用について手順を説明してくれました。私はすべての人に事前に通知し、手順を確認しました。現在違法と見なされているペットがいる場合、Publish 110がシャードに適応されると、そのペットは元に戻されます。すべてのクリーチャーには、各統計のデフォルト範囲があります。その修正が公開されると、違法なペットが調整され、違法な統計がその統計のデフォルト範囲に基づいてランダムに割り当てられます。違法なペットは彼らのスキルトレーニングとあなたが彼らに適用したすべてのスクロールを維持します。 これは、違法な統計を持つペットにのみ適用されます。
最近、ベンダー検索について多くのフィードバックが寄せられており、将来的にそのパフォーマンスを改善するための計画を共有したいと考えています。 Publish 110では、Endless Journeyアカウントがベンダー検索にアクセスする際の制限を設けており、ユーザーが経験している問題をより明確にするためにエラーメッセージを更新しました。
ウルティマオンラインへ:New Legacyニュース! 1月から2月にかけて、チームは忙しく準備を進めてきました。 Publish 110の完成が間近に迫る中、私達は再びUltima Online.New Legacyに焦点を当てています。このエキサイティングな新しい世界でプレイヤーが期待できることについての詳細を共有できることをうれしく思います。当初は2月にライブストリームを計画していましたが、Live上でいくつかの問題に対処しなければならず、延期を余儀なくされました。 2021年3月4日午後2時(東部標準時間)にゲームワールドについて話すための開発者ハングアウトを開催することになりました。YouTubeでストリームをみることができます。今後は、この新しいシャードの計画について、より多くの情報を提供し、より頻繁にアップデートを行う予定です。ゲーム内のMeetand Greetsのように、会議のスケジュールを立てるように最善を尽くします。今後のライブストリームイベントについては、ニュースレターとUO.comをチェックしてください。
Bonnie “Mesanna” Armstrong
Dev Meet and Greets
Mizuho 2021年3月8日23:00(日本時間)
Lake Austin 2021年3月23日(火)10:00(日本時間)
アッホー!マティーズ 2021年最初のライブイベントが間もなく開催されます! 今回のPublish 110では、Buccaneer’s Denの海賊の闇市場に新たな報酬をご紹介します! 宝箱を戦利品でいっぱいにして、航海へと旅立ちましょう。

Meet & Greetsから
Meet & Greetsで述べたように、New Legacyの文脈の中でVvVをアップデートして、より良い背景と参加のための追加の文脈を提供する予定です。また、UO:NLからLiveに移植できる機能についても触れましたが、VvVはこのカテゴリの優れた候補であると期待しています。
もしこの問題を再現するための具体的な手順をお持ちでしたら、問題を解決するための検討を行います。 どのクライアントを使っているのか、どこで戦っているのか、どのモンスターを攻撃しているのか、そしてこの問題を100%再現するための具体的な手順を教えてください。
あなたがこの問題を再現するための具体的な手順を持っている場合、私たちはそれを解決することを検討することができます。 どのクライアントを使用しているか、パーティーに参加しているかどうか、その他問題を100%再現するための具体的な手順を含めて教えてください
誰かを追加するとパーティバーが画面上を飛び跳ねてしまいます。 何か対策はありますか?
この問題を再現するための具体的な手順があれば、解決策を検討することができます。 どのクライアントを使用しているのか、パーティ内に何人いるのか、追加時にパーティ内に何人いるのかを含めて教えてください
Join us March 4, 2021 at 2pm ET for our next Ultima Online: New Legacy Dev Hangout!
The Game World
Happening on Live
Producer Notes
Greetings Everyone,
The team is putting the final touches on Publish 110 which we are targeting for Worldwide Release in mid-March. We should have this publish on TC1 by early next week so make sure you hop on TC1 and checkout all the exciting new features we have going in such as,
- Veteran Rewards
- Monster Statuettes – The Black Gate, The Yew Tree, Snow Elemental, Nummy
- Spellbook & Runebook Straps – No more untidy backpacks from troublesome magic books!
- Gargish Totem of Essence – Magically generates imbuing essences!
- New Title – Pioneer of the Second Age
- Latest Store Items
- Pet Castle – High end digs for your favorite pet that works just like a hitching post!
- Silver & Gold Soulstones – New soulstone colors for the discerning interior decorator!
- Transmogrification Potions – Get the look you love in the head and shield slot!
- Enchanted Soulstone Vessel – A specialized storage container for your soulstones, frees up precious lockdowns!
- Black Market Rewards
- Fellowship Medallion
- Peculiar Coconut
- Orchids
- Pirate Chest
- Pirate Shield
This is just a small sample of what’s coming in Publish 110 so make sure you keep an eye on UO.com for the full publish notes when we get to TC1 next week!
Also included in Publish 110 are a couple of critical bug fixes. One of the players on Sonoma was kind enough to give steps on the current pet exploit that has been reported. I am giving everyone advanced notice, the steps were confirmed, and if you have a pet that is now considered illegal, when Publish 110 is deployed to your shard that pet will be reverted. All creatures have a default range for each stat. When the fix is published, illegal pets will be adjusted so illegal stats will be randomly assigned based on the default range for that stat. Illegal pets will keep their skill training and all the scrolls you have applied to them. This only applies to pets with illegal stats.
We’ve seen a lot of feedback recently about vendor search and want to share our plans for improving its performance in the future. With Publish 110 there will be restrictions on Endless Journey accounts accessing vendor search, we’ve updated the error messaging to better identify which issues users are experiencing, and we will be performing more regularly scheduled maintenance on the database.
Moving on to Ultima Online: New Legacy news! Throughout January and February the team has been busy preparing to make sure players on Live have plenty of content to keep them busy. With Publish 110 nearing completion, we are turning our focus back to Ultima Online: New Legacy and are excited to share additional details on what players can expect in this exciting new world. We had originally planned for a livestream in February, but we had to address a few issues on Live that required us to postpone. I am happy to share that we will be having a Dev Hangout to talk about the Game World on March 4, 2021 at 2pm ET! You can catch the stream on YouTube, we hope to see you there! Moving forward we plan to have more visibility and more frequent updates as to what our plans are for this new shard. We will try our best to schedule out the meetings like we have the In-game Meet and Greets so be sure you check out the newsletter and UO.com for future live stream events!
Finally, here are the CS actions for the month of February:
22 Solicitation
6 Disruptive Behavior
23 Third Party Program
19 Macroing
1 Naming Violation
See you in Britannia,
Bonnie “Mesanna” Armstrong
Upcoming Events
Dev Meet and Greets
Mizuho March 8th 9am ET
Lake Austin March 22nd 9pm ET
Dev Hangouts
The Game World – March 4, 2pm ET
Live Events
Ahoy mateys! Our first Live event of 2021 is almost upon us! With Publish 110 we’ll be introducing some new rewards to the Pirate’s Black Market in Buccaneer’s Den! Fill yer chests with loot and take to the High Seas as we embark on the story of, A Pirate’s Life!
Ultima Store New Release

From the Meet & Greets
Why doesn’t Teleport with Ninjitsu work in the Lost Lands?
We are still looking into this further, but yes we agree Ninjitsu teleport should work the same as other teleport spells.
Can EJ accounts use locked down items in houses, such as dyetubs?
No, we are not giving EJ accounts any additional privileges at this time.
Can we have a new Arch-heal spell to heal a group?
With the addition of the Barding spells which allows a pulse heal to your group we do not feel it is necessary to add additional heals.
Will VvV ever get any love?
As we mentioned in the meet and greet, we plan to update VvV in the context of New Legacy to provide a better backdrop and additional context for participation. We also mentioned that features that we can port from UO: NL to Live we will and expect VvV is an excellent candidate for this category.
Governors would like to have a visual when a new message is added to the Town Crier, is this something that is possible?
We found this to be an interesting idea. We need to do some additional research to determine the best way to implement this suggestion.
Can we get a ‘drop all’ button in runebooks/atlas and can we have a way to move a rune up or down in runebooks and atlas, without having to drop them all out and start over?
We can add functionality to allow moving the rune position within the book and a context menu option to drop all runes held within a book. We hope to address this in an upcoming publish.
Can you make it where picking a backpack interior applies only to that char, and not the whole acct, what about with the legible journal?
These options are applied account wide and we have no plans to change them at this time.
Can you make repair contracts by putting the stack of scrolls in a bag, target the stack of scrolls and it makes them all into that particular contract and, for easier handling, they stay in that bag?
We agree, making repair deeds is a tedious process, this is a good solution to alleviate some of that tedium. Look for this QoL update in a coming Publish.
Often when a mob is killed, its health bar greys out but remains onscreen and must be closed manually. Can this be fixed?
If you have specific steps to reproduce this issue we can look at resolving the issue. Please include which client you are using, where you are fighting, which mobs you are attacking, and any other specific steps to reproduce this issue 100% of the time.
Quite often, when your hunting partners die, their health bar disappears and must be pulled again, hard in a crowd… Can this be changed for them to stay up?
If you have specific steps to reproduce this issue, we can look at resolving it. Please include which client you are using, whether you are in a party, and any other specific steps to reproduce the issue 100% of the time.
Party bars hop all over the screen when you add someone. Is there any hope for this?
If you have specific steps to reproduce this issue, we can look at resolving it. Please include which client you are using, how many individuals are in the party, and how many individuals are in the party at the time of adding them.
Customer Service
For the billing support at support@ultimaonline.com to sufficiently verify ownership of an account you wish to recover, information that is currently set on the account has to be verified. Please note that account recovery requests are reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
If a secret word is saved on the desired account(s), we will be happy to provide the secret word hint(s).
Accounts that have been closed within the last year require the secret word and 2 pieces of information.
Accounts that have been closed for more than a year require only the secret word, if a secret word is not set then 3 pieces of information are required.
Information used for verification are as follows:
- Account name
- First and last name
- Date of birth
- Phone number
- Key codes
- Payment information (CC)
- Date account was open/closed
- State/country
To recover an account, please email support@ultimaonline.com so that the Billing Support has a ticket in the system. Keep an eye out for the automated reply requesting account verification for the Billing Support Team to assist further.
• How to create an account or log into my account?
• How to manage my accounts after I’ve logged into the Account Center?
To reset your password you must first understand which type of account you are resetting the password for.
EA Accounts, Mythic Master Accounts, and Mythic Product / Game Accounts all have separate individual passwords. All of which you can reset at our Account Center at https://accounts.eamythic.com/.
• To reset your EA Account password:
* Please visit https://signin.ea.com/p/web/resetPassword
* At the EA page enter the email used to log into your EA Account to change its password.
* If you have not received your password or have received an error while trying to reset the password and you have disabled all spam filters, please contact EA Support here.
If you have an account that was terminated by CS over a year ago and would like to have it back, please contact the Dispute Team from the email associated with the account at dispute@ultimaonline.com for further investigation and a possible one-time reprieve.
For in-game issues or question, please submit an in-game help request for a Game Master to contact you.
To submit your suggestions and feedback regarding game content, mechanics, or design, please send them to UO@broadsword.com.
Sovereigns Coin Codes purchased from EA Origin have to be redeemed on the Account Center; you cannot enter these in game.
Sovereign Coin Codes that have been redeemed are bound to the EA Account they were redeemed on and are only usable by the accounts linked with that EA Account; Sovereign Coin currency may not be transferred.
If you are having issues with your EA Origin purchase, follow this link to resolve the issue.
You may have noticed that Origin Store purchases made did not arrived as expected. The Origin Store enacts reviews on all transactions to safeguard against fraudulent purchases, and these reviews may take up to 72 hours. Unfortunately our Billing department is not able to expedite or circumvent this process. However, players who have questions or concerns regarding a store purchase can contact Origin Support for assistance using the below steps:
1) Go here, https://help.ea.com/en/contact-us/?product=origin&platform=pc
2) Select topic* – select Orders
3) Select issue*
4) Click on “Select contact option“
5) Sign in with your EA Account or click on “Get help from an advisor without logging in.” if you’re having trouble signing in.
We would also like to reiterate that the Origin store is the only guaranteed provider of codes for Ultima Online. The validity of a code purchased from a third-party seller (be it a friend, in-game acquaintance, or recommended site) cannot be guaranteed. Furthermore, any codes we find to have be fraudulently obtained will be disabled and an account that applies any of these codes will have that code removed from said account. This can result in the loss of game time, character slots, expansion access, Sovereigns (and the items purchased with them), in-game items and more. Please be advised that we cannot assist with any issues stemming from codes purchased via non-Origin means; you will be required to contact the vendor from which you purchased the code for further assistance.