UO公式 Publish 97 Bug Fixes
Facebook広田剣 パブリッシュ97 – バグフィックス
Publish 97 Bug Fixes
Posted on June 2, 2017 by Mesanna
Greetings all,
This morning during the regular maintenance cycle of the US shard the following bug fixes were published, this evening the rest of the shards will be published.
・Resolved issue which allowed players to mount pets that were polymorphed.
・Adjusted Barracoon AI to no longer turn pets into ratmen.
・Adjusted Medusa pet petrification to no longer change the hue of pets.
・Adjusted the old Phoenix to match the new Phoenix body as well as adjusting the base damage and removed the hue.
・Pet movement speed is now capped at 190 dexterity
・Resolved issue which prevented armor swamp dragons from being mounted (Will be resolved once publish is WW).
・Resolved issue with pet Discordance AI incorrectly casting tribulation and despair.
・Pets can no longer dismount while owners are mounted/hovering.
Thank you once again for all your patience!
UO Team
パブリッシュ97 – バグフィックス
出典: UO公式