Treasures of the Shattered Sanctum 報酬一覧 2025年2月11日終了 伝承のページ翻訳追加

Publish 118 更新は青色 2024年11月14日更新
Publish 118Publish 118 は、今後数か月にわたって段階的にリリースされます。以下の公開ノートで最新の変更点を確認してください。Publish 118.2 TC 1 リリース – 2024 年11月7日Origin, Iz...
Halloween – Treasures of the Shattered Sanctum (Autumn 2024) – Ultima Online
  • ネクロマンサーの力により、ブリタニアの街でアンデッドが復活しています!
  • TrammelとFeluccaの両方で町への侵攻が発生します。(TとFどちらも同じ街)
  • モブを倒して、 Shattered Sanctumが刻まれたアーティファクトを獲得しましょう
  • 侵略された街の中に、A Vile Necromancer Lordのミニボスがランダムに出現します。倒すと、アーティファクトを受け取る可能性が高まります。
  • Shadow Reaverのカルト信者たちは、Necromancer Lords を支援するために、街の中に呪われた物を隠しました。
    • 探知スキルを活用して、街の中に隠された宝箱を発見しましょう。
    • 宝箱を開け、罠を乗り越え、鍵を開けることができる狡猾な冒険者には、さまざまな宝石、試薬、遺物、珍しい装飾品、さらには珍しい盗難品が報酬として与えられる可能性があります。
  1. トレーダーのいる場所
  2. 交換期限(獲得ポイント失効日)
  3. Treasures of the Shattered Sanctum 報酬一覧(画像のみ)全8ページ
  4. 【New】伝承のページ1~6 The Awakening-Commander Thallan Harlow (1)
  5. 【New】Decaying Hedge(5)
  6. 【New】Decaying Hedge(5)
  7. 【New】Putrid Shield(10)
  8. 【New】Zombie Horse(15)
  9. 【New】Grasping Zombie(20)
  10. 【New】称号の証書(20)Warden Of Shadows
  11. 【New】Climbing Zombie- When The Walls Vesper Shuddered Under The Wsight Of The Cuesed Dead(25)
  12. 【復刻】応急処置ベルト(30)
  13. 【復刻】Ankh Of Devotion(30)
  14. 【New】Zombie Tapestry(30)
  15. 【New】称号の証書(30)Wraithwalker
  16. 【復刻】魔術師の護符(35)
  17. 【New】A Relic From The Invasion Of Yew,Its Flamse Oncce Stirred The Dead To Rise(40)
  18. 【復刻】Corrupted Paladin Vambraces(50)
  19. 【復刻】Corrupted Paladin Vambraces(50)
  20. 【復刻】Mantle Of The Archlich(50)
  21. 【復刻】Gloves Of The Archllich(50)
  22. 【復刻】Gargish Kilt Of The Archllich(50)
  23. 【復刻】Solaria’s Secret Poisons(50)
  24. 【復刻】Solaria’s Secret Poisons(50)
  25. 【New】Deathforged Claymore(50)
  26. 【New】Shadow Reaver Cloak(55)
  27. 【New】Shadow Reaver Wing Armor(55)
  28. 【New】Shadow Master’s Talisman(60)
  29. 【New】Kaelvok’sCincture(65)
  30. 【New】Kaelvok’sCincture(65)
  31. 【New】Vortha’s Medallion(70)
  32. 【New】Vortha’s Medallion(70)
  33. 【New】Deathwarden’s Greaves(75)
  34. 【New】Deathwarden’s Skirt(75)
  35. 【New】Deathwarden’s Gargish Greaves(75)
  36. 【New】Azarok’s Legplates(80)
  37. 【New】Azarok’s Legplates(80)
  38. 【New】Azarok’s Gargish Legplates(80)
  39. 【New】Azarok’s Stone Legplates(80)
  40. 【New】General Lethe’s Tabard(100)
  41. 【New】Lord Morphius’ Tabard(100)
  42. 【New】Mordrax’s Compendium(100)
  43. 【New】Mordrax’s Tome(100)
  44. 【New】Moldering Ursine(200)




ルナのタウンクライヤーは、Manifestation of Evil の出現関連のことしか叫んでいなかったので、侵攻を受ける街のタウンクライヤーしか、状況を教えてくれないのかな??


2025年2月11日 EST

Treasures of the Shattered Sanctum 報酬一覧(画像のみ)全8ページ

【New】伝承のページ1~6 The Awakening-Commander Thallan Harlow (1)

The Awakening
Commander Thallan Harlow
Returning from the front, we thought the battle won. But as we entered the city, braziers of green flame burned, and bodies rose from the ground. These were our own fallen, twisted by dark magic. The horror was just beginning.
These undead weren’t mindless; they were our kin. Familiar faces, corrupted and angry. It felt like Veylara had deceived us, drawing us out to leave our homes open to this horror.


司令官Thallan Harlow



Shadows of the Past
Commander Thallan Harlow
The undead came in waves. Each one we cut down was replaced. They wore our old armor, old lives on their faces. I saw kin, friends, cursed. The betrayal stung as much as the battle..
Was the Manifestation just a distraction? While we were out in the wilds, our cities had been cursed. Our sanctum, our home, was left vulnerable, and now we’re paying the price.


司令官Thallan Harlow



The Necrotic Braziers
Commander Thallan Harlow
Green fires burned around the city. throbbing like a heartbeat. These
‘Necrotic Braziers’ kept the dead moving. pulsing with dark power. Our weapons I couldn’t quench the flames.
The braziers seemed alive, feeding off something beyond our understanding. Water, steel… nothing worked. I felt we were pawns in a darker game, at the mercy of foul necromancy.


司令官Thallan Harlow



The Necromancer Lord
Commander Thallan Harlow
In battle, a rider on a fiery nightmare appeared a Necromancer Lord. His dark magic tore through us. His steed left blazing trails; the undead surged at his command. Fear chilled me.
He was beyond mortal, a bringer of death itself. Our defenses failed under his gaze. We knew in that moment we faced a power we couldn’t hope to understand or resist.


司令官Thallan Harlow



A Brief Victory
Commander Thallan Harlow
Against all odds, we rallied and defeated the Necromancer Lord. His mount collapsed, embers flying. The undead
faltered. We thought it over but dared not celebrate.
Victory was hollow. Bodies lay strewn, friends and kin lost. The city felt like a tomb, haunted by the faces of the dead and the stench of betrayal.


司令官Thallan Harlow



Another Attack
Commander Thallan Harlow
Just as we celebrated, a scout brought grim news: another city was under siege by the undead. Our forces were stretched thin. The dead spread like a
We had no time to mourn. The necromancers’ reach is vast, and we must face it, whatever the cost. know if peace will come, but we march again, weary and haunted.


司令官 Thallan Harlow



【New】Decaying Hedge(5)

【New】Decaying Hedge(5)

【New】Putrid Shield(10)

【New】Zombie Horse(15)

【New】Grasping Zombie(20)

【New】称号の証書(20)Warden Of Shadows

【New】Climbing Zombie- When The Walls Vesper Shuddered Under The Wsight Of The Cuesed Dead(25)


【復刻】Ankh Of Devotion(30)

【New】Zombie Tapestry(30)



【New】A Relic From The Invasion Of Yew,Its Flamse Oncce Stirred The Dead To Rise(40)

【復刻】Corrupted Paladin Vambraces(50)

【復刻】Corrupted Paladin Vambraces(50)

【復刻】Mantle Of The Archlich(50)

【復刻】Gloves Of The Archllich(50)

【復刻】Gargish Kilt Of The Archllich(50)

【復刻】Solaria’s Secret Poisons(50)

【復刻】Solaria’s Secret Poisons(50)

【New】Deathforged Claymore(50)

【New】Shadow Reaver Cloak(55)

【New】Shadow Reaver Wing Armor(55)

【New】Shadow Master’s Talisman(60)



【New】Vortha’s Medallion(70)

【New】Vortha’s Medallion(70)

【New】Deathwarden’s Greaves(75)

【New】Deathwarden’s Skirt(75)

【New】Deathwarden’s Gargish Greaves(75)

【New】Azarok’s Legplates(80)

【New】Azarok’s Legplates(80)

【New】Azarok’s Gargish Legplates(80)

【New】Azarok’s Stone Legplates(80)

【New】General Lethe’s Tabard(100)

【New】Lord Morphius’ Tabard(100)

【New】Mordrax’s Compendium(100)

【New】Mordrax’s Tome(100)

【New】Moldering Ursine(200)

