UO Newsletter #13

UO公式 UO Newsletter #13

Facebook広田剣  UO Newsletter #13



UO Newsletter #13

出典: UO公式



UOチームはたくさんの素晴らしいコンテンツを含む新年最初のパブリッシュの準備で、既に忙しい日々を過ごしています! パブリッシュ96の全シャードリリースは2月を予定しています。どうぞUO.comに掲載されるパブリッシュ96の最新情報をお見逃しのないよう、そして1月19日頃にTC1に導入された際にはぜひ、あなたのフィードバックをお送りください。


次回のDev’s Meet & Greetは出雲シャードにて日本時間1月23日(月)23時からとなります。



◆ 基本のウェディングパッケージ

1 x 魔法の種 (3種類のうち1種類の植物のアーチを得られます。)
6 x カクテルテーブル – 円形、白いテーブルクロス付き、リボン部分染色可
6 x カバー付きチェア – 白色、背もたれリボン部分染色可
20 x 折り畳み椅子 – 白色、リボン部分染色可
10 x テーブルフラワー – 染色可
4 x スタンディングフラワー – 染色可
2 x 燭台(ファンシー) – 白銀色、ロウソク部分染色可
2 x 燭台(レギュラー) – 白銀色、ロウソク部分染色可
1 x 魔法のケーキ生地(8種類のうち1種類の染色可能で刻印可能なケーキが得られます。)
1 x チョコレートの泉 (アニメーション付きです。チョコレートコーティングされたイチゴをゲストに提供します。)
2 x 魔法のウェディングソーイングキット (特別なウェディングドレス、あるいはタキシードのパック、そしてそれに合わせた刻印可能なケーキトッパー(ケーキの飾り)が得られます。)
2 x ショートビュッフェテーブルディード – 白色、リボン部分染色可
1 x ロングビュッフェテーブルディード – 白色、リボン部分染色可

◆ 増量版ウェディングパッケージ


4 x カクテルテーブル
4 x カバー付きチェア
10 x 折り畳み椅子
6 x テーブルフラワー
2 x スタンディングフラワー
1 x 燭台(ファンシー)
1 x 燭台(レギュラー)
1 x ショートビュッフェテーブルディード
1 x ロングビュッフェテーブルディード


Bonnie “Mesanna” Armstrong


Written by EM Malachi

◆ 今月ウルティマ ストアに登場のLasherの物語です。UO.comのリリース情報をお見逃しなく!





















・Q&A コーナー

1. ファセットの壁掛け地図がないものについて追加の予定はありますか?
A. それは素晴らしいご指摘です。将来のパブリッシュのバックログに入れておきましたので、イオドーンの谷と似たような壁掛け地図を入手できるようになるでしょう。

2. イルシェナーやアビスダンジョンで使用可能なクリスタルポータルを作成できるようになりませんか?
A. 将来の報酬品として考えています!

3. トクノにグリーンティーを販売するNPCを増やすことはできませんか?
A. それはすぐに対応可能です。将来のパブリッシュの計画に入れておきます。

4. ワインラックを作成できるようになりませんか?
A. エクセレントなアイディアです。誰だって大事にして来たビンテージワインを飾りたいですよね!

5. エビカニの罠を使いやすくできませんか?
A. 「未踏の航路」の改修は私たちのウィッシュリストに入っていますが、現在はよりエキサイティングなプロジェクトに取り組んでおり、本年度の計画には入っておりません。


1. 何年も前にカスタマーサービスによって廃止されたアカウントを復活させたい場合はsupport@ultimaonline.com 宛にアカウントの詳細をお送りいただき、アカウントがご自身のものであることを証明してください。廃止の状況によっては制限を解除し、アカウントを復活させることができます。

2. オリジンストアで購入したソブリンはアカウント管理サイトより入力の必要があります。ゲーム内で入力することはできません。

3. アカウントの復活を希望されるすべての方は、support@ultimaonline.com 宛にすべての情報をお送りください。秘密の言葉がわからない場合はヒントをリクエストしてください。あなたのアカウントを特定するための情報をできる限り提供していただくことが、時間短縮につながります。

4. オリジンストアからコードが届かない場合はこちらからお問い合わせください。
  ※ 英語のみ

5. ゲームに関するご質問や問題がある場合はGMコール、あるいはsupport@ultimaonline.com までメールでお送りください。

6. ゲーム内コンテンツへのフィードバックはUO@broadsword.comまでメールでお送りください。

7. オリジンストアで注文品が届かなかった、あるいは予期した通りにお取り引きを完了させることができなかったプレーヤーの方が散見されます。注文確定のメールが届かなければ、何が起こったのか心配になるでしょう。オリジンストアは詐欺取引への監視を強めており、その確認には最大72時間かかる場合があります。私たちはこれを早めたり、回避することはできません。しかし、オリジンのサポートでは下記リンクよりプレーヤーの皆さんからのご購入に関するご質問をお受けしています。
  ※ 英語のみ

  私たちはオリジンストアだけがウルティマ オンラインのコードの正規販売店であることを繰り返しお伝えしておきたいと思います。第三者(友人、ゲーム内の知り合い、おすすめサイト)から購入したコードの有効性については保証いたしかねます。そして不正に入手されたコードが発見された場合、アカウントに適用済みであったとしてもそのコードはアカウントから削除されます。これはゲームタイムのみならず、キャラクタースロットや拡張へのアクセス、ソブリン金貨(またはそれによって購入されたアイテム)を失うことになりかねません。私たちは第三者から購入されたコードが原因で発生する問題をサポートすることはできません。そのコードを購入した業者にお問い合わせくださいますよう、お願い致します

UO Newsletter #13

Happy New Year!


From everyone here at Broadsword we want to wish everyone a happy and healthy 2017!

The UO Team is already busy getting a lot of great content ready for our first publish of the new year!  Publish 96 is slated to go world wide in February.  Keep an eye on UO.com for the latest updates on Pub 96 and when it launches on TC1 on or around January 19th, we hope you will all head over to TC1 and send us your feedback.

We are also working on the Pet Revamp that will be part of Publish 97.  We have gotten your emails and feedback as to the direction of the revamp so please continue to send us your feedback on the pet revamp!

Our Developer Meet and Greets have resumed and our next one will be on Izumo on January 23rd at 9 am ET.

I would like to address the revert on Oceania.  The fail-safes we have in place which are meant to notify us of an issue did not do so correctly.  We are still investigating to determine the nature of the failure.  We are sorry Oceania had a two day revert and want to thank everyone for being so patient while we fixed the issue.

There is a lot of buzz about our upcoming Wedding Package so let me give you guys a little preview of what is included.  We’ll be including some screenshots in in the February Newsletter, but for now you can expect:

Basic Wedding Package

1 Magical Botanical Archway Seed (Can be redeemed for one of three styles of botanical archways)
6 cocktailtables – Round with a white table cloth and a hueable bow 
6 covered chairs – White with a hueable bow on the back
20 folding chairs – White with a hueable bow
10 tabletop bouqets – hueable
4 standing bouquets – hueable
2 fancy candelabras – silver-white with hueable candles
2 regular candelabras – silver-white with hueable candles
1 Magical Cake Batter (Can be redeemed for one of eight different cakes which can be engraved and hued)
1 chocolate fountain – Animated and produces chocolate covered strawberries for your guests
2 Magical Wedding Sewing Kits (Can be redeemed for a special bridal gown or tuxedo package, with corresponding engravable cake toppers)
2 short buffettable deeds – white with a hueable bow
1 long buffet table deed – white with a hueable bow

Additonal Wedding Package 

If you desire a larger wedding or just like these items for your guild meetings we are also adding an additonal Wedding Package that includes:

4 cocktail tables
4 covered chairs
10 folding chairs
6 tabletop bouqets
2 standing bouquets
1 fancy candelabras
1 regular candelabras
1 short buffet table deeds
1 long buffet table deed

See you in Britannia, 

Bonnie “Mesanna” Armstrong

Artemia’s Unicorn

Written by EM Malachi

Story of Lasher, Available in the Ultima Store this Month – keep an eye on UO.com for Lasher’s release!

Artemia spent her days exploring the fields and forests far from the ferry to Skara Brae. The little girl loved wandering through the woods, listening to birdsong and picking berries. The baker would trade her a handful of cookies for any berries she hadn’t eaten on the way back home.

On one of her wanderings, Artemia heard what sounded like the anguished cries of a wild horse. Following the sound, she found the animal ensnared in a poacher’s trap. The creature was on his side and covered in dirt and blood from thrashing against the iron teeth, and at the top of his head was a large twisting horn. After overcoming her initial surprise, Artemia rushed forward to help the suffering animal.

Artemia made the soothing sounds that her healer mother had taught her and offered a handful of berries to the injured unicorn. The unicorn seemed to sense that she wished to help and stopped pulling against the thick iron chain that held the foothold to the ground. Artemia examined the trap workings and picked up a pair of fallen branches. She levered the sticks to shift the trap springs open and carefully moved the injured leg out of the trap.

The unicorn managed to stand and tried to limp away slowly, but Artemia patted the animal’s side gently and took out her water skin. She started to clean the wound and bandaged it with strips from her dress and a handful of tipton weed and wild sage. As she continued to wipe blood and dirt from the animal, she noticed that the coat had a luster like the moon at night and the hairs of the great mane were a radiant rainbow. Artemia had heard stories of the legendary rainbow unicorns, but no one she knew had ever seen one. Such unicorns were said to be beings of great nobility and purity of spirit.

With awe, she finished tending to the injured animal. When she was done, the rainbow unicorn nuzzled her shoulder and walked into the dense forest. So no others would be hurt by the trap, Artemia slammed it shut with the oak sticks before returning home.
When a great dragon razed several local villages, Artemia’s father was part of the company sent to stop the beast. When his fellow soldiers returned in defeat, he was not among them. During the flight out of Destard, he had gotten separated, and with so many wounded, none could be spared to search for him. Her mother focused her skills on tending to the burns and lacerations of the survivors, but Artemia saw the redness around her mother’s eyes. That night, Artemia grabbed her bow and a few provisions and slipped into the forest.

Artemia knew well the paths south from her farm to the Dragonhame Mountains and made the journey in a little over a day. From there, she traced back the tracks and blood spoor of the retreating soldiers. There she found the great mouth of Dungeon Destard. At the entrance to the cavern stood the unicorn she had saved. The rainbow unicorn lowered his head, and Artemia climbed onto the unicorn’s back.

All shadows fled the light from the unicorn, and the smaller monsters scurried away when the unicorn lowered his horn toward them. As they went deeper into the pit, Artemia kept her eyes open for signs of her father. Near the dragon’s lair, they found Artemia’s father, barely conscious and with a broken leg. Artemia slid off the unicorn’s back and started to treat her father’s injures.

As she was helping her father to stand, there came a great roar from the lair, and an ancient wyrm crawled out of the narrow passage. Its claws tore deep into the cavern’s stone with each step. Artemia fired an arrow at the dragon, but the small missile plinked off the hard scales. She started to nock another arrow, but the unicorn gently pushed her back.

The unicorn looked at her a moment before turning back and lowering his horn at the giant dragon. Artemia helped support her father as they limped out of the dark cavern. Artemia forced herself not to turn around when she felt a flash of heat, and the two stumbled forward until they reached the tree line where they stopped to splint his leg. Artemia watched hopefully for the unicorn to make his way out, but as the sun started to set, she realized he was gone.
Years later, Artemia was returning from the Ranger’s Guild in the autumn dusk. Looking across the fields of her home, she noticed her daughter playing with a strange colt at the edge of the forest. As the light from the setting sun reflected off the colt’s mane, she recognized her unicorn reborn.

New Year’s Resolutions

We are excited to announce that with Publish 96, new gameplay window resolutions will be available in the Classic Client!  Check out the screenshots below!

Customer Service

1. If you have an account that was terminated by CS over a year ago and would like to have it back please contact support here and give them the details and identify the account as yours, depending on the termination we will remove the restriction from your account so you may open it again.

2. All Sovereigns purchased from Origin have to be entered on the Account Management page.  You can not enter these in game.

3. Anyone that is trying to reopen an account please make sure you send all the information to support@ultimaonline.com so we can have a record of this.  In the original request to support if you do not know your secret word please ask for a hint.  Give them all the information to identify the account as yours so there will not be a lot of delays.

4.  Anyone that does not get their codes from Origin please follow this link to resolve the issue..

5.  If you have any in game questions or issues please either page in game or email support@ultimaonline.com.

6.  For any feedback to content put in game please send it to UO@broadsword.com.

7.  Regarding Origin orders, codes, and third party resellers.
Recently some of the player base may have noticed that an Origin store purchase they have made did not arrive or complete as expected. A confirmation or code email has not been received and you are wondering what may have occurred with your order. The Origin store enacts reviews on all transactions to safeguard against fraudulent purchases, and these reviews may take up to 72 hours. Unfortunately our Billing department is not able to expedite or circumvent this process, however players who have questions or concerns regarding a store purchase can contact Origin support for assistance using the below link:
When prompted for a product, choose Origin. Next choose your platform, and select ‘Orders’ as the topic. You can further specify your issue in the subsequent fields before speaking with an agent.
We would also like to reiterate that the Origin store is the only guaranteed provider of codes for Ultima Online. The validity of a code purchased from a third-party seller (be it a friend, in-game acquaintance, or recommended site) cannot be guaranteed. Furthermore, any codes we find to have be fraudulently obtained will be disabled and an account that applies any of these codes will have that code removed from said account. This can result in the loss of gametime, character slots, expansion access, Sovereigns (and the items purchased with them), in-game items and more. Please be advised that we cannot assist with any issues stemming from codes purchased via non-Origin means; you will be required to contact the vendor from which you purchased the code for further assistance.


To reset your password you must first understand which type of account you are resetting the password for. EA Accounts, Mythic Master Accounts, and Mythic Product Accounts all have separate individual passwords. All of which you can reset at your leisure at our Account Center at https://accounts.eamythic.com/. Unfortunately, Broadsword Support cannot assist with potential EA Account issues or passwords, please follow the steps below.
To reset your EA Account password:
     * Please visit https://signin.ea.com/p/web/resetPassword
     * At the EA.com page enter the email used to log into your EA Account to change its password.
     * If you have not received your password or have received an error while trying to reset the password and you have disabled all spam filters, please contact EA Support here, https://help.ea.com/en/contact-us/new/#?product=origin&platform=pc


To update your credit card information, please follow these steps:

  • Login to the Account Center (https://accounts.eamythic.com) with your EA Account email and its password
  • Select the ‘Subscriptions‘ tab
    • Locate the account you would like to update the card for
    • Select the ‘Subscribe‘ button
    • Select the billing cycle you would like to use and continue
    • When you get to the page asking which payment method you would like to use, instead of choosing to add a card, select the ‘Manage Accounts‘ option in the top right corner of the page. This should load a new page that will contain your previous credit card information.
    • Find the card you wish to update and select the ‘X‘ button
    • You can now re-enter your credit card with the updated information by using the ‘Add a card‘ button.

ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT AT THE ACCOUNT CENTER (https://accounts.eamythic.com/)

      •  How to create an account or log into my account?


      • How to manage my accounts after I’ve logged into the Account Center with my EA Account credentials


      • Additional support links and videos:


