UO Newsletter #5

UO公式 UO Newsletter #5



UO Newsletter #5

出典: UO公式

・Publish 93

 5月も半ばになり、パブリッシュ93のリリースを待つばかりとなりました。パブリッシュ93は本日夕刻(日本時間5/13午前)にTC1へ導入した後、今月末にはすべてのシャードに導入したいと考えています。今回のパブリッシュでは従来とは少し違った試みとして、より多くのフィードバック(あて先はこちら: uo@broadsword.com)を得るべく3つのシャードへの先行導入を実施する予定です。対象となるシャードはOrigin、Izumo、Bajaとなります。ぜひパブリッシュ93で、かつての“オフィディアン vs ベインの選民”を彷彿とさせる、壮大なる“ミュルミデックスの脅威”クエスト、イオドーンの谷における最も凶悪なボスとの対決によって終結する2種のクエストラインを含む新しいコンテンツをお試しください。
私たちはすでにハロウィン、アニバーサリーギフト、ホリデーギフト、ベテラン報奨そして少しの感謝祭の新アイテムに着手しています! 今回追加になるベテラン報奨は新しい乗り物です……ヒントです。それは4本以上の脚があります! 何だかわかるかしら? *ニヤリ*
Bonnie “Mesanna” Armstrong


パブリッシュ93がリリースを待つばかりとなった今、私たちはパブリッシュ94を目指しています。夏ですらまだ訪れていませんが、私たちはハロウィンの計画を立てています! 今年は従来のかぼちゃ彫りやトリック・オア・トリートに新要素を追加してお届けできることをうれしく思います。さらに、今年のハロウィンはイオドーンの探索を“テンプル・オブ・ドゥーム(ドゥームの寺院)”の謎に隠された真実に迫ることで完結させる予定です。これは、“トレジャー・オブ・トクノ”方式のダンジョンで、その深層を探検しようという勇気がある者には必ずや驚きや発見をもたらしてくれるでしょう!

・Q & A コーナー

1. プロテクション・タリスマンの種類を増やせませんか?
2. プレーヤーがUO.comでベンダーサーチを利用できるようになりませんか?
3. 過去のいくつかのDev Meet & Greet にてペットのAIについて質問があり、ペットの色の変更についても質問させてもらっているのですが。
4. クリナップの景品に新しいアイテムを追加できませんか?また、ポイントをキャラクターごとではなく、アカウントごとにまとめられませんか?
5. Wall of Stone、ペット詠唱、Thunderstorm、マナコストにバグがあるキャラクター、モータルについてなど。
6. シードボックスの改良についてはいかがですか?
はい! これは私たちが将来のパブリッシュにおいて対応したいことの一つです。種をボックスから取り除くのがどんなに面倒か知っていますから。
7. High Seasのコンテンツをより魅力的なものにするべく振り返る予定はありませんか?
High Seasのアップデートは私たちのウィッシュ・リストに入って久しいです。私たちが目指すのは大砲の消耗品作成や着火のプロセス、そしてボス戦における難易度に応じた報酬バランスの見直しです。これについても将来のパブリッシュで対応したいと思います。

UO Newsletter #5

Publish 93

Greetings Everyone,

   We are getting to the middle of May and looking forward to getting Publish 93 out the door.  We are deploying Publish 93 to TC1 later today and hope by the end of the month to have it on all production shards.  We will be doing something a little different this publish, we will be deploying to 3 production shards in hope to get more feedback. The shards we are publishing are Origin, Izumo, and Baja.  Make sure you check out all the latest content in Publish 93, including the epic “Myrmidex Threat” quest that brings back popular features like the “Ophidian/Bane” war mechanic, as well as two quest lines that conclude with some great boss encounters against some of the Valley of Eodon’s most formidable opponents!

  We are excited to announce we have picked 10 winners for the Spring Contest.  We will be notifying the winners via email to find out what reward you would like. Everyone will be able to see the winning entries on UO.COM here.

  We have already begun working on Halloween, Anniversary Gifts, Holiday Gifts, Vet Rewards and a few new items for Thanksgiving!  One of this year’s new Vet Rewards is a new mount…here is a hint:  It has more than 4 legs!  Can you guess what it is? *evil grin*

See you in Britannia!

Bonnie “Mesanna” Armstrong

A Halloween of Doom

With Publish 93 getting ready for deployment we look forward to Publish 94.  Even though Summer is just around the corner we’re looking forward to Halloween!  This year we are happy to announce that popular events such as Pumpkin Carving and Trick or Treating will be returning with some new additions.  In addition, this Halloween we’ll be concluding explorations of Eodon and uncovering the truth behind its mysterious origins in the “Temple of Doom.”  This “Treasures of Tokuno” style dungeon crawl is sure to provide fright and surprises around every corner with glorious treasures to be found by those brave enough to explore its depths

Question & Answer Corner

1. Can we get other protection talismans in the game?

Good idea for some of the Halloween items to be added.

2.  Will UO players ever be able to  search UO.COM for a vendor search?

Yes, this is still in the works to complete the vendor search we have in the game currently.

3.  In the past few Dev Meet and Greets we have been asked about pet AIs and maybe some pet color changes…

Next year we are doing a pet revamp to give new life to some of the original pets that were once more popular in the game such as White Wyrms and Nightmares.  We will be providing ways to make them equal and looking also at having rare spawns in tasteful colors of various pets.  More details will be revealed when we have everything discussed and the plan is developed.

4,  Will you be adding new items to the Cleanup Britannia points and can it be account based instead of character based?

Yes we will be adding new items and we are looking into how difficult it might be to have it account based and not character based so stay tuned for the answer at a later date.

5.  What’s with the Wall of Stone? Pet Spellcasting? Thunderstorm? Lower Mana Cost Bugged Chars?  Mortal Strike? Etc?

We’ve seen a lot of discussion and received a lot of feedback about a host of issues, particularly those related to PvP.  We encourage the community to continue these discussions as well as provide us feedback so we can try to address them in a future publish.  As always, please feel free to provide feedback.

6. Can we get some enhancements to the UI for the seed box?

Yes! This is something that we hope to address in a future publish, as we know how tedious it can be to remove seeds from the seed box. 

7.  Do you ever plan on revisiting some of the High Seas content to make it more appealing? 

A High Seas update has been on our wish list for a while.  Our goals for this update would be to streamline the canon supply crafting and firing processes, as well as make a balance pass on the challenge vs. reward for some of the encounters.  We hope to address this in a future publish.

