2022 年が終わり、私たちは今年の半ばまでに Alpha NLS をオープンするために懸命に取り組んでいます。 静かな日々が続いていますが、皆さんに新しいシャードを提供するために、私たちはこのシャードの立ち上げと運営に懸命に取り組んでいます。 私はクラシックシャードを求めるメールを受け取り続けています。 前にも述べたように、我々はそれを行うことはできません。 私たちがやっていることは、古いものに新しいコンテンツを加えて、シーズンをプレイするときにユニークな体験を提供することです。
歴史的なバナーのリクエストは、あなたの家のxyz座標を教えてくださいとお願いしています。 六分儀を使うと、左下にxyz座標が表示されるので、スピードアップにつながります。 もし、この座標なしでメールを送ってしまった場合は、再送信してください。受信後数日以内に送信されることを約束します.
ソブリンの購入に関して、皆様にお知らせがあります。ソブリンはマスター アカウントに適用されることに注意してください。すべてのアカウントのリンクを解除する場合は、必ずすべてのソブリンを消費されるようにしてください。
マルチクライアントとフォローとマルチボクシングの違いは何なのか、という質問が多いようです。1 つは違法であり、同じコントローラーで複数のアカウントをすべて実行できるようにするマルチボックス化する、これがマルチボクシングです。マルチクライアントとは、同じパソコンで複数のアカウントを実行できる場合ですが、それらを切り替えて別々に操作する必要があります。もちろん、自動フォローは違法ではありません。いつものように、アカウントが不当に扱われていると思われる場合は、dispute@ultimaonline.com にメールを送信してください。審査されます。
今年は夏至のバーベキュー パーティーがあるので、カレンダーに印を付けておきましょう。ファイヤー島のビーチになります。詳細については、7 月に近づくにつれてお知らせします。
最後に、12 月の CS アクションは次のとおりです。
3 – ゲーム メカニクスの悪用
1 – 勧誘
42- 不在マクロ化
16- マルチボクシング
3 – 迷惑的な行為
1 – 物理的ハラスメント
Bonnie “Mesanna” Armstrong
Ultima Onlineの核となるのはプレイヤーやコミュニティですが、ブリタニアで長い年月を過ごしてきたプレイヤーに感謝の意を表します
- 新モンスターのスタチューが登場!
- 強力なフロストマイトがエセリアルスタチューとして登場!!
- 防具強化剤用ワークベンチで防具強化剤を精製可能に!
- 革と金属の一部を回収するためにクラフト可能なものを分解するサルベージステーション
- BG の釣り竿があれば、古いブーツを釣り上げることを二度と心配する必要はありません。
- ギルドフラッグは、お気に入りのNPCギルドに所属していることを示すためのものです。!
UO チームのようにあなたを愛してくれるのは人はいますか? ウルティマオンラインにインスパイアされた新シリーズのスタッフィーをシェアしましょう。「ブラックソーン卿の復讐」をモチーフにした新コレクタブルスタッフィーシリーズを、大切な人と共有しましょう
Nature’s Revenge
春は新生と再生の時であり、同時に甘い復讐の時でもあります。錬金術師の醜態の傷跡はまだブリタニアの自然の中に残っており、仕返しをする時が来ました! ブリタニアの肥沃な大地を冒涜する行為は許されるのでしょうか?
Ultima Online: New Legacy
2020年9月、私たちは「ウルティマ オンライン」という大胆なプロジェクトを発表しました。ウルティマ オンラインの魔法を再び呼び起こし、できる限り多くの人々に届けることを目標に、「New Legacy」を発表しました。 1997年のリリース以来、『ウルティマ オンライン』は史上最も由緒あるMMORPGのひとつとして時の試練に耐えてきました。 この新しいサンドボックスの世界では、冒険は無限大でした。 輝かしい勝利もあれば、破滅的な敗北もあり、世界中の友人たちと何十年にもわたる関係を築くこともできました。 ウルティマ オンライン。『New Legacy』では、新旧の世代のために、その魔法を再び呼び起こしたいと考えています。
発表以来、私たちは「New Legacy」の開発と現在のライブサーバーのサポートに奔走してきました。 新しいチームメンバーを加え、デザインのアイデアを練り、基本システムを構築し、『New Legacy』の体験の核となる楽しくて魅力的なシナリオを世界に配置してきました。
『New Legacy』では、キャラクターのポートレートをカスタマイズして、自分だけのキャラクターを作ることができます。 また、個性的な姓を選択することで、季節を問わず人々の記憶に残る名前となります。 あなたはブリタニアで最も偉大な英雄になるのでしょうか?最も優れた鍛冶屋になるか? 最も恐れられる悪役になるか? 選択はあなた次第です。
ブリタニア カレンダーは季節の変化を指示し、特別なイベントの開始を知らせます。Moonglow Yacht Club の毎年恒例のレガッタに参加し、Firefly Festival に参加し、Winter Parade を歩き、Community Cornucopia に貢献してください。毎月、友達が集まって冒険や笑いを楽しむ機会がたくさんあります!
スキルの獲得やクラフトなど、面倒なシステムを完全に見直し、これまでよりも早くアクションを楽しめるようにアップデートしました。 戦士ギルドや魔道士ギルドで、オークの脅威を打ち負かすために大胆な旅に出ましょうQuaderact として知られる神秘的なアリーナで Britannia の最も恐ろしい敵に挑戦するか、Dungeon Outpost で他のプレイヤーと対等に戦いましょう。
あなたの決断と無視が、 あなたのレガシーを決定するのです。
Meet & Greets
次回の TC1 M&G は、1 月 30 日午後 7 時 (米国東部時間) にastle Blackthornで開催されます。
Happening on Live
Producer Notes
Greetings Everyone,
With 2022 behind us we are working hard to get an Alpha NLS open by the middle of the year. I realize we have been quiet but know we are working hard on getting this up and running to provide you guys with a new shard to play on. I keep getting emails asking for a Classic shard. As stated before we cannot do that. What we are doing is taking a sprinkle of the old with some glitter of new content to make a unique experience when you play the seasons.
I am asking all the requests for the Historical Banner to please give me the xyz coords of your houses. When using a sextant in the bottom left corner you will see the xyz location It really helps speed things up for me. So if you guys sent emails without that number please resend it and I promise they will get placed within a few days of receipt.
I would like to remind everyone regarding the purchase of Sovereigns. Please remember that the Sovereigns are applied to the Master account. Please be sure to spend all of your Sovereigns if you are going to unlink all your accounts.
It seems that there are a lot of questions as to what the difference is between multi client and following and multi boxing is. One is illegal and that is the multiboxing which allows you to run more than one account all with the same controller. This is multiboxing. Multi client is when you are able to have several accounts on the same computer run but you have to switch back and forth and operate them sperately. And of course it is not illegal to auto follow. As always if you feel your account has been actioned unjustly then please send in an email to dispute@ultimaonline.com and it will be reviewed.
This year mark your calendars because we are having a Summer Soltice BBQ party. It will be on the beach on Fire Island. More details will be given the closer we get to July.
3 – Abuse of game mechanics
1 – Solicitation
42- Macroing
16- Multiboxing
3 – Disruptive Behavior
1 – Physical Harrassment
See you in Britannia,
Bonnie “Mesanna” Armstrong
Upcoming Events
Our players and our community are the core of Ultima Online and we say thanks to those who have spent so many years in Britannia!
- New monster statuettes to collect!
- The mighty frost mite as an ethereal mount!
- Enchanted Refinement Workbench to generate refinement precursors!
- Salvage station to break down craftables to salvage some of that leather and metal
- BG’s Fishing Pole so you never have to worry about fishing up an old boot ever again!
- Guild Flags to display your devotion to your favorite NPC guild!
Valentine’s Day
Who loves you like the UO Team? Share a new series of collectible stuffys, inspired by Ultima Online: Lord Blackthorn’s Revenge, with your true love!
Nature’s Revenge
Spring is a time of renewal and regrowth…but also sweet revenge! The scars of the Alchemist’s Abomination still resonate within the natural fabric of Britannia’s being and it’s time to get even! Will the wanton desecration of the fertile lands of Britannia go unanswered?
Festival of the Summer Solstice
Following a cold, hard winter it’s time to celebrate the warmth of the summer sun with a festival at Fire Island!
Ultima Online: New Legacy
In September of 2020 we announced a bold project called Ultima Online: New Legacy with the goal of rekindling the magic of Ultima Online and delivering it to the largest audience we could. Since its release in 1997, Ultima Online has stood the test of time as one of the most venerable MMORPGs ever. The adventures were limitless in this new sandbox world. There were glorious victories, and crushing defeats – and relationships made with friends all over the globe that would span decades. With Ultima Online: New Legacy we want to rekindle that magic for generations old & new.
In the time since the announcement we’ve been hard at work both building New Legacy and supporting our current live servers. We’ve added new team members, hashed out design ideas, built the underlying systems, and populated the world with a fun and engaging narrative that will form the core of the New Legacy experience.
In New Legacy you’ll be able to customize your character’s portrait appearance to truly make them your own. You’ll select a unique surname as the name others will remember from season to season. Will you be Britannia’s greatest hero? Most accomplished smith? Most feared villain? The choice is yours!
The Britannian Calendar will dictate changes in the season and signal the start of special events. Race in the Moonglow Yacht Club’s annual regatta, attend the Firefly Festival, walk in the Winter Parade, and contribute to the Community Cornucopia. Each month will give ample opportunity for friends to come together for adventure and laughter!
We have completely reworked some of the most tedious systems, such as skill gain and crafting, updating them to allow you to get into the action faster than ever. Embark on a bold journey with Warrior’s Guild or the Mage’s Guild with the hopes of defeating a grave Orcish threat. Challenge Britannia’s most fearsome foes in the mysterious arena known as the Quaderact or go toe to toe with other players in the Dungeon Outpost.
Decisions made and choices ignored will define your legacy – and we cannot wait to see where it takes you.
From the Meet & Greets
Our next TC1 M&G will be held on January 30th at 7pm ET in Castle Blackthorn
See you there!
Customer Service
For the billing support at support@ultimaonline.com to sufficiently verify ownership of an account you wish to recover, information that is currently set on the account has to be verified. Please note that account recovery requests are reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
If a secret word is saved on the desired account(s), we will be happy to provide the secret word hint(s).
Accounts that have been closed within the last year require the secret word and 2 pieces of information.
Accounts that have been closed for more than a year require only the secret word, if a secret word is not set then 3 pieces of information are required.
Information used for verification are as follows:
- Account name
- First and last name
- Date of birth
- Phone number
- Key codes
- Payment information (CC)
- Date account was open/closed
- State/country
To recover an account, please email support@ultimaonline.com so that the Billing Support has a ticket in the system. Keep an eye out for the automated reply requesting account verification for the Billing Support Team to assist further.
• How to create an account or log into my account?
• How to manage my accounts after I’ve logged into the Account Center?
To reset your password you must first understand which type of account you are resetting the password for.
EA Accounts, Mythic Master Accounts, and Mythic Product / Game Accounts all have separate individual passwords. All of which you can reset at our Account Center at https://accounts.eamythic.com/.
• To reset your EA Account password:
* Please visit https://signin.ea.com/p/web/resetPassword
* At the EA page enter the email used to log into your EA Account to change its password.
* If you have not received your password or have received an error while trying to reset the password and you have disabled all spam filters, please contact EA Support here.
If you have an account that was terminated by CS over a year ago and would like to have it back, please contact the Dispute Team from the email associated with the account at dispute@ultimaonline.com for further investigation and a possible one-time reprieve.
For in-game issues or question, please submit an in-game help request for a Game Master to contact you.
To submit your suggestions and feedback regarding game content, mechanics, or design, please send them to UO@broadsword.com.
Sovereigns Coin Codes purchased from EA Origin have to be redeemed on the Account Center; you cannot enter these in game.
Sovereign Coin Codes that have been redeemed are bound to the EA Account they were redeemed on and are only usable by the accounts linked with that EA Account; Sovereign Coin currency may not be transferred.
If you are having issues with your EA Origin purchase, follow this link to resolve the issue.
You may have noticed that Origin Store purchases made did not arrived as expected. The Origin Store enacts reviews on all transactions to safeguard against fraudulent purchases, and these reviews may take up to 72 hours. Unfortunately our Billing department is not able to expedite or circumvent this process. However, players who have questions or concerns regarding a store purchase can contact Origin Support for assistance using the below steps:
1) Go here, https://help.ea.com/en/contact-us/?product=origin&platform=pc
2) Select topic* – select Orders
3) Select issue*
4) Click on “Select contact option“
5) Sign in with your EA Account or click on “Get help from an advisor without logging in.” if you’re having trouble signing in.
We would also like to reiterate that the Origin store is the only guaranteed provider of codes for Ultima Online. The validity of a code purchased from a third-party seller (be it a friend, in-game acquaintance, or recommended site) cannot be guaranteed. Furthermore, any codes we find to have be fraudulently obtained will be disabled and an account that applies any of these codes will have that code removed from said account. This can result in the loss of game time, character slots, expansion access, Sovereigns (and the items purchased with them), in-game items and more. Please be advised that we cannot assist with any issues stemming from codes purchased via non-Origin means; you will be required to contact the vendor from which you purchased the code for further assistance.