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Origin Store Issues
Posted on September 19, 2016 by Mesanna
Good Morning,
Origin is now selling the game time codes once again. We will keep the housing decay off until Tuesday 9/27/2016 to give everyone time to buy and apply their codes.
Have a great day!
Good morning everyone,
As I am sure you have noticed you are unable to purchase Game Time Codes on the Origin Store. I still do not have an ETA on the time or date it will be fixed, so as of today we are going to be turning off Housing Warehouse. Understand that by turning off the Housing Warehouse this also means no houses can be placed until we turn it back on. We will not turn back on the Housing Warehouse until 1 week after the Origin Store begins selling the codes again. Turning off the Housing Warehouse does not mean it will save a house if the house is in the IDOC state.
As soon as I have any more information I will pass it along to keep everyone up to date.