Publish 94/パブリッシュ94フルリリースをTC1に導入

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TC1 フルリリース ? 08/02/2016

◆ 19周年記念ギフト

日本時間 9月1日(木)午後1時から、11月19日(土)午後1時59分までのログイン時点で30日以上経過しているキャラクターはギフトの入ったバッグを受け取ることができます。(TC1ではトークンはヘイブン銀行にある配布機より受け取ることができます。)


 - 色褪せたブロンズの地球儀
 - 色褪せたブロンズのベンチに腰かけた男
 - 色褪せたブロンズの妖精
 - 色褪せたブロンズのアーチャー
  * レシピは細工ツールの「その他」カテゴリで見つけることができます。
  * これらの像は作成に細工スキルが85以上必要です。細工スキルGMで成功率75%のボーナスを得ます。
  * 作成にはブロンズインゴット200個が必要です。失敗すると25~50個のインゴットを消費します。
  * 像のディードはブレス属性で、家の中に設置することができます。

– 12種のコモンと3種のレアカラーが存在します。
– それぞれの植物は「Grown by」のあとに27種の専門職が付与されます。

・ウルティマ オンラインの開発メンバーもしくはEMチームからのカード

◆ かぼちゃ畑


◆ トリック・オア・トリート

– ブレス属性の家のアドオンです。
– ダブルクリックするとパンプキンサイダーのマグを受け取れます。
– ダブルクリックするとキャンディアップルが受け取れます。
– ダブルクリックで点灯と消灯ができるテーブルトップランプです。

◆ Kotlの古代都市

◎Time of Legends拡張パックが必要です。
・Skeletal Hangman(吊られた骸骨)
– 家の内装用アドオンです。設置された時に設置者の名前を保持します。
・Kotl Sacrificial Altar(Kotlの祭壇)
– 家の内装用アドオンです。
・Kotl Black Rodのレシピ(大工レシピ)
– 種類: 武器(人間用/ガーゴイル用いずれかのクォータースタッフ)
– 詠唱可
– 魔道武器(-0スキル)
– ファストキャスト 2
– マナコスト -5%
– 秘薬低減 -10%
– 大工スキルによって生産可能
  * 大工ツールの「武器」カテゴリで見つけることができます。
  * 作成には大工スキルが100必要です。
  * 成功率は5%を基本としています。
  * 下記材料が必要です。
   ** 板 20枚
   ** ブラックムーンストーン 1個
   ** Staff of the Magi(魔術師の杖)1本
   ** 失敗すると5~10枚の板を消費します。

– 種類: メガネ
– INT +8
– マナ回復 4
– 魔法ダメージ +12%
– マナコスト -8%
– 秘薬低減 -10%
– 物理抵抗 5%
– 炎抵抗 10%
– 冷気抵抗 14%
– 毒抵抗 20%
– エネルギー抵抗 20%
– 細工スキルによって生産可能
  * 細工ツールの「マジックアクセサリー」カテゴリで見つけることができます。
  * 作成には細工スキルが100必要です。
  * 成功率は5%を基本としています。
  * 下記材料が必要です。
   ** インゴット 200個
   ** ブラックムーンストーン 1個
   ** Hat of the Magi(魔術師の帽子)1個
   ** 失敗すると50~100個のインゴットを消費します。

– Kotl Black Rodとスペクター博士のレンズを作成するための材料です。

– GM細工師が使役できる、4スロットを消費するペットを作成することができます。
  * 細工ツールの「組立部品」カテゴリで見つけることができます。
  * 下記材料が必要です
   ** インゴット 300個
   ** Automaton Actuator
   ** 玄室のパワーコア(ライキュームにいるコントローラーから購入するか、Kotlの古代都市にある隠されたチェストから手に入ります。)
   ** 静止したオートマタの頭部(Kotlの古代都市にいるオートマタ、あるいはKotlの古代都市にある隠されたチェストから手に入ります。)
   ** オートマタは作成に使用された金属の色を保持し、素材の特性に応じて抵抗とダメージに2倍のボーナスを得られます。素材の抵抗とダメージのボーナスについてはこちらをご覧ください。…/ultima-online-wiki/items/material-bonuses/
   ** 消費スロット 4
   ** お気に入り
   ** 使役にはGM細工師である必要があります。

・Automaton Actuator
– Kotlオートマタを作成するための材料です。

・称号: Menace of the Myrmidex

・称号: Zealot of Zipactriotl

・称号: Explorer of the Kotl City


・Katalkotl’s Ring
– 種類: 指輪
– 魔法抵抗 +10
– 瞑想 +10
– HP回復 5
– マナ回復 3
– 魔法ダメージ +20%
– 魔法、ネクロマンシー、武士道、騎士道、忍術、神秘いずれかのスキルを+20(スキルの種類はプレーヤーが選ぶことができます。)

・Boots/Talons of Escaping
– 種類: 靴(人間用サイブーツ/ガーゴイル用タロンいずれか)
– Dex +4
– スタミナ回復 1

◆ モータルストライクの変更

※ 最終行に変更あり
第2回TC1 リリース ? 07/29/2016

TC1 フルリリース ? 08/02/2016

◆ 細工スキルのアップデート

※ 追加部分のみ
– Time of Legends拡張パックが必要です。
– オートマタのHPがゼロになると、「壊れたオートマタの頭部」がオーナーのバックパックに入ります。
– オートマタはそのオートマタの素材であるインゴット75個で修理することができます。
 * オーナーだけが修理することができます。
– 壊れたオートマタは取引すること、盗むこと、ドロップさせることはできません。
– 壊れたオートマタは壊れた状態であってもコントロールスロットを消費します。

◆ バグフィックス

※ 追加部分のみ

◆ クラッシック(2D)クライアント 7.0.51

◆ EC(SA)クライアント 4.0.51


Publish 94

Posted on July 12, 2016 by UO Dev Team

First TC1 Release ?07/12/2016

Second TC1 Release ? 07/29/2016

Full TC1 Release ? 8/2/2016

19th Anniversary Gifts
Any character that is at least 30 days old that logs in between 9/1/2016 12 AM ET and 11/18/2016 11:59 PM ET will receive a bag containing, (Tokens will be available from a dispenser located at the Haven Bank on TC)

●a 19th Anniversary Gift Token that can be redeemed for a gift,

A random tinkering recipe, A Weathered Bronze Globe Sculpture

・A Weathered Bronze Man on a Bench Sculpture
・A Weathered Bronze Fairy Sculpture
・A Weathered Bronze Archer Scuplture
・Items can be located in the “Miscellaneous” section of the Tinkering Menu.
・Sculptures require 85.0 tinkering and offer a 75% chance of success at Grandmaster.
・Requires 200 bronze ingots, failure consumes 25-50 ingots.
・Sculpture deeds are blessed and can be placed in a house.

A Potted Amaryllis

・Available in 12 common and 3 rare hues.
・Each plant can be “Grown by” 1 of 27 different professionals.

An Anniversary card from a member of the Ultima Online Development or Event Moderator teams.

Pumpkin Patches

●Pumpkin patches are active during the month of October.
●A new green-gourd style pumpkin is available in 2 designs from the carving kit.

Trick or Treating

・New items are available from trick or treating,

Deed for a Giant Pumpkin

Blessed house addon

Tray of Pumpkin Spice Cider

Can be double clicked to receive a mug of pumpkin cider

Tray of Candy Apples

Can be double clicked to receive a candied apple

Gypsy Wagon Lamp

Tabletop lamp that can be turned on and off by double clicking.

Treasures of the Kotl City

●Requires Time of Legends
●The ruins of the Kotl City have been discovered in the Valley of Eodon. The entrance is located off the road between the Barako and Urali Tribe villages.
●Creatures killed within the Kotl City have a chance of dropping “Artifacts of the Kotl”
●“Artifacts of the Kotl” can be turned in for a variety of rewards,

Skeletal Hangman

Decorative house addon that retains the name of the player who places it when created.

Kotl Sacrificial Altar

Decorative house addon

Recipe for a Kotl Black Rod (Carpentry)

Quarter Staff/Gargish Gnarled Staff
Spell Channeling
Mage Weapon -0 Skill
2 Faster Casting
5% Lower Mana Cost
10% Lower Reagent Cost
Craftable via Carpentry

Found in the “Weapons” ategory
Requires 100 carpentry skill
Base 5% chance of success
Requires 20 Boards or Logs
1 Black Moonstone
1 Staff of the Magi
Failure consumes 5-10 logs

Recipe for Dr. Spector’s Lenses (Tinkering)

8 Intelligence Bonus
4 Mana Regeneration
12% Spell Damage Increase
8% Lower Mana Cost
10% Lower Reagent Cost
5% Physical Resist
10% Fire Resist
14% Cold Resist
20% Poison Resist
20% Energy Resist
Craftable via Tinkering

Found in the “Magic Jewelry” category
Requires 100 tinkering skill
Base 5% chance of success

200 Ingots
1 Black Moonstone
1 Hat of the Magi
Failure consumes 50-100 ingots

Black Moonstone

Ingredient required for the crafting of Dr. Spector’s Lenses & the Kotl Black Rod

Recipe for a Kotl Automaton (Tinkering)

A craftable 4 slot pet that can be used and controlled by Grandmaster tinkers.
Can be found in the “Assemblies” section of the Tinkering menu

300 Ingots
Automaton Actuator
Stasis Chamber Power Core

Purchasable from the Collector in the Lycaeum or in chests hidden inside the Kotl City

Inoperative Automaton Head

Recovered from Automatons in the Kotl City or found in chests hidden inside the Kotl City

Automatons retain the hue of the metal they are crafted from and receive double the bonuses to resists and damage in line with material resist and damage bonuses found here.

4 Control Slots
Requires Grandmaster Tinkering to use and control

Automaton Actuator

Ingredient required for the crafting of a Kotl Automaton

Reward Title: Menace of the Myrmidex
Reward Title: Zealot of Zipactriotl
Reward Title: Explorer of the Kotl City
Tribal Banners for each of Eodon’s 6 tribes

Katalkotl’s Ring Ring
+10 Resisting Spells
+10 Meditation
5 Hit Point Regeneration
3 Mana Regeneration
20% Spell Damage Increase
+20 Magery, Necromancy, Bushido, Chivalry, Ninjitsu, Mysticism

Skill can be selected by the player

Boots/Talons of Escaping

4 Dexterity Bonus
1 Stamina Regeneration

Weapon special Mortal Strike changes:

●Current :

A successful Mortal Strike will render its victim unable to heal any damage for several seconds.
Use a gruesome follow-up to finish off your foe. Lasts for 6 seconds (player)
or 12 seconds (NPC). Does not prevent curing poison or stopping bleeding. Grants an eight second effect reduction once removed by non-consumables and talisman items. The next Mortal Strike duration will be scaled based on when they were reapplied in the eight second window.


A successful Mortal Strike will render its victim unable to heal any damage for several seconds.
Use a gruesome follow-up to finish off your foe. Lasts for 8 seconds (player)
or 14 seconds (NPC). Does not prevent curing poison or stopping bleeding. Grants a 24 second effect reduction once Mortal is applied or removed by non-consumables and talisman items. The next Mortal Strike duration will be scaled down based on if it is within the 24 second window. Mortal Strike does 70% of normal damage to target not currently under the effects of Mortal. Mortal Strike done to a target that is currently under the effects of mortal will do 130% of normal damage and will no longer reset the mortal duration. The duration of Mortal strike attacks done using ranged weapons will be halved.

●A successful Mortal Strike will render its victim unable to heal any damage for several seconds.
Use a gruesome follow-up to finish off your foe. Lasts for 8 seconds (player)
or 14 seconds (NPC). Does not prevent curing poison or stopping bleeding. Mortal Strike does 70% of normal weapon damage to target not currently under the effects of Mortal. Mortal Strike done to a target that is currently under the effects of mortal or immune will do 130% of normal damage and will no longer reset the mortal duration. The duration of Mortal strike attacks done using ranged weapons will be halved. A 12 second immunity timer is granted once Mortal is removed.

Champion Spawn Update:

●In order to improve performance while in champion spawn areas we have reduced the maximum spawn count for all champion spawns.  This does not effect the spawn rate.

●Players are still required to kill the same amount of monsters to advance the spawn.

Necromancy Update:

●Focused Spec Necromancers when casting Corpse Skin will reduced max poison and fire resist based on the casters real necromancy and spirit speak skill.

Tinkering Update

●Repair Mode Toggle ? All toolkits now have a context menu option to switch to repair mode only. This mode allows users to quickly repair items without navigating the crafting gump.

●Tinker Pet Repair

Repairing tinker pets has a 30 second cooldown.
Pets are instantly repaired based on number of available ingots.

Proposed: Repairing tinker pets no longer has a cooldown.
Repairing is now delayed similar to the Veterinary skill where the player’s dexterity will affect the delay.
Hit points repaired is calculated based on Tinkering skill ranging from a max of 12 at low skill to a max of 60 at GM with additional bonuses for pets with over 100 hit points.
Hit points repaired can be reduced based on damage received during repair similar to Veterinary skill healing potential is reduced.


Requires the Time of Legends
When an Automaton reaches zero health a “Broken Automaton Head” will be placed in the owner’s backpack.
Broken Automatons can be repaired using 75 ingots matching the material type of the Automaton.
Can only be performed by the owner

Broken Automatons cannot be traded, transferred, stolen, or dropped.
Broken Automatons still count against pet control slots while in a broken state.

Miscellaneous Changes

“Stone Only” can now be set on mining tools to only dig up High Quality Granite.  Niter and specialty gems can also be dug up.

Bug Fixes

●Any leftover Myrmidex spawn in the Myrmidex Queen’s Chambers will be killed when the Queen dies.
●Elementals will no longer spawn in the Shadowguard Fountain encounter once the encounter has been completed.
●The loot for all Shadowguard bosses has been normalized so that loot is standard regardless of which of the Shadowguard bosses is encountered last.
●Fixed issue where some Recipe IDs were not being correctly associated with their respective craftable item.
●Spirituality Shield no longer triggers when hit by players/pets/hirelings
●Characters with bugged Lower Mana Cost are now fixed.
●Pen of Wisdom now properly works on the Runic Atlas.
●Thunderstorm can no longer hit targets outside of houses while cast in houses and vice-versa.
●Trick or Treating no longer works on NPCs from the personal attendant token.
●Fixed issue where players could get stuck in Eodon near the marsh.
Players are now told that there is a maximum number of quests that they can have open at a time when they try to accept the 11th quest.
●The Undertaker’s staff summoning range has been drastically increased.

Classic Client 7.0.51

Cliloc Changes
Art Additions
Added EULA acceptance to the login process.

Enhanced Client 4.0.51
Cliloc Changes
Art Additions
Added EULA acceptance to the login process.
Corrected targeting issues with all of the targeted spell trigger spells.


  1. 匿名 より:


  2. (*゚∋゚) より:

