Vendor Search On Origin and Izumo

Vendor Search On Origin and Izumo が更新されました。

Vendor Search On Origin and Izumo
   Posted by Tim Chappell | 2014 Apr 30 18:23 -0400 GMT

Vendor Search is being turned on today on Origin and Izumo after their normal maintenance cycle.  Pending any disasters Vender Search will be live on all shards tomorrow after normal daily maintenance.
Improved overall search speed
Search results now return up to 60 items
Searches can no longer be canceled
Customizing houses will remove opted-in vendors from search results for up to 30 minutes
Upon shards being published with update it will take approximately three hours for the vendor database to update.  If you do not find your item please check back after that time frame,  After the initial database update all vended item additions/deletions will be available through searches within five minutes.

